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Turn your camera roll chaos into treasured family yearbooks

Are you a
Photo-Overloaded Mom?

  • You take countless photos during significant family events, only to have them buried in the digital abyss, forgotten and unseen.

  • You WANT a family yearbook but the project is continually is pushed to the bottom of your endless to-do list.

  • You're tired of the mental load associated with documenting your family's life and wish someone could help you.

  • Selecting the perfect photos for your family yearbook is too daunting because of the crazy amount of photos (and duplicates) you'd need to sort through.

  • You want your kids to inherit their childhood photos as a collection of heirloom yearbooks rather than just a login to a digital cloud.

  • You'd love to use family yearbooks to spark meaningful conversations with your children about past events, places, and people they were too young to remember on their own.

Does this sound familiar?

Let me know if you can relate...

Document your family's year in a beautiful timeless album without the stress and time commitment.

  • Timeless clean album layouts by a professional album designer
  • Up to 300 images in 25-35 spreads (which is 50-70 square pages)
  • Each spread contains 4-10 photos on classic white backgrounds
  • At least one spread per month, plus more for special occasions
  • Each spread is labeled with the month in the corner. Upgrade for additional journaling on each spread.
  • Title page: Basic (name & year) or Year Summary (brief paragraphs or bullet points)

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Let Denise design Your annual year-in-review photobook FOR you! 

You'll receive a link to your initial design within 2 weeks. It will typically be between 25-35 spreads (50-70 square pages).



Send up to 1,000 photos or upgrade to the No Limit Photo Submission to send an unlimited amount! (between 200-300 will be used).




Purchase the design service and then check your email for instructions on how to submit your design preferences and photos.


about the process

How it Works

Purchase a professionally printed album through Denise's photographers-only lab.



Upon approval, Denise will send you print-ready digital layouts you can print anywhere!




Request changes during 3 free rounds of revisions! When it's ready, hit the Approve button on the proofing website.


- Mollie

"When I saw the first draft I literally cried. You’d so perfectly picked photos that told the story of our year. My daughter and I enjoy sitting together to look at the photos and talk about all the people she sees.

"Denise, this book is so phenomenal. it was a reminder of how much has happened in the last year. It never would have gotten done if I tried to do it myself and it would definitely not have been as nice of a final product." 

- Heather

"I smiled so wide and almost cried a happy tear or two reviewing the album draft alone! So many sweet gems that I didn't post on social media and were previously destined to die on my camera roll."

- Megan

"Thank you so much, Denise! I sing your praises to anyone who will listen. You have made this process so enjoyable, seamless, and quick. I really appreciate you!"

- Alyssa

Messages from my Yearbook clients:


My clients say...

Picture this: Your child gets the urge to look back at old family photos, but instead of begging to scroll the camera roll on your phone, they grab a family yearbook from the bookshelf and ask you flip through it with them. You can see the delight in their eyes as they flip through the pages, discovering captured moments of fun, celebrating milestones, and recognizing familiar faces. You share laughter, conversation, and connection as you discuss your family's past, including many things they would have been too young to remember on their own.

Set yourself up for this  joy with my Family Yearbook Design Service! I'll turn a year's worth of your digital photo chaos into a beautifully designed keepsake with minimal time and effort from you. But yearbooks are more than just a keepsake -- they're also your shortcut to reliving the memories, simple details, and milestones of your family.

Finally have your family's memories preserved and accessible.

design service

Professionally designed digital layouts (printed book sold separately) . Save 20% if you order 3+ designs to catch up on past years!

yearbook Pricing:

Yes, let's do this!


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optional add-ons

Professional Printing

Additional $297

I'll turn your digital layouts into a 10x10 lay-flat album printed at a professional photography lab.

No Limit Photo Submission

Additional $147

Send me an unlimited number of images rather than sticking to the the default limit of 1,000. No need to even delete screenshots or duplicates!


Additional $25

Add a couple lines of text to every spread.

Extra Spreads

Additional $10/spread

If you need more than the typical 25-35 spreads (50-70 square pages) included in the base price of the design.

After the design is approved, I’ll send you the print-ready digital layouts (sized about 20x10 inches). For printing, your options are:

1. I can print your 10x10 lay flat album through a photographers-only professional lab for $297. I’ll handle everything including uploading, ordering, and shipping. Choose from luxury linen, leather, or photo covers. The book is high quality and the turnaround speed is very fast!

2. You can print through Shutterfly as a 10x10 deluxe lay flat photo book. Shutterfly is a consumer-level company you’d pay directly. But I'll make it very easy for you by uploading the layouts to Shutterfly myself and sharing a link for you to add the project to your own cart! With no sales, the Shutterfly book is about $400, but if you’re willing to wait up to a couple months for an unlimited pages sale, you may be able to get it around $130.

3. If you have another printer or product type in mind, just let me know which one and I’ll tweak my file dimensions accordingly.

Visit this webpage for a comparison look at Shutterfly vs. my Pro Lab.

Where can I print my Photo book?

Have Questions?
I've got answers.

Yes!! Save 20% by prepaying for 3+ at a time! 

Can you help me catch up on multiple past years?

I'll send detailed instructions after you place your order, but here's the overview: 

  • If you pay for iCloud photo storage, It's VERY easy! Just select the photos you want from your phone and choose "Send iCloud Link". 
  • If you're an Amazon Prime member, you can upload photos to a group album.
  • If you use Google Photos, you can upload photos to a shared album.
  • If none of the above methods apply to you, I can provide a custom place for you to upload your images to me.

How do I send my photos to you?

With the base price of the design service, you can send up to 1,000 photos for me to choose from. 

If you purchase the optional No Limit Photo Submission Add On, you can send an as many images as you want! You could even send your entire photo collection from the given year -- no need to even delete screenshots or duplicates!

No matter how many photos you send, I predict I'll use about 200 - 300 to tell the story of your family's year.

I have a knack for selecting the most important photos and identifying the VIPs in your life. However if I make some silly choices, you can request as many changes as you want during your 3 free revision rounds!

How many photos can I send? How many will you use?

Each spread is labeled with the month in the lower left corner. 

You can also customize the opening title page with text for free or for $25 you can add a couple journaling sentences to the lower right corner of every spread.. See examples at:

Will there be captions or text in the book? 

That's not the design style I offer. I specialize in a timeless style with clean white backgrounds and no additional stylistic elements.  

Can you add patterned backgrounds, stickers, or design elements?

Yes! We can do a regular family yearbook but instead of covering January - December, we could date it like August - July. The photo content is usually the same -- a look at your family's life, one month at a time. The baby will naturally be featured in a ton of photos because that’s what represents your life that year. 

I'm happy to label the spreads as “2 Months Old” instead of the usual “February 2020” if you prefer that format. And if you took posed milestone photos, it looks great to have those together on the last page. 

But keep in mind whether you'll want more yearbooks in the future and which date ranges you'd want them to cover. You may not want to continue an August - July format on future books, especially if you have multiple kids.

Can we make a book for my baby's first year?

Not at this time. I have streamlined the year-in-review format and it's become my signature service!  I'd be happy to include 1-3 spreads of the special event within your yearbook though!

Do you offer wedding, vacation, or special event albums?

yes, Let's do this!

ready to get started?

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